
Jon Rawlings has trained and taught karate for over 30 years, and  his instructor was Sensei John Halpin (8th Dan Seikukan Karate-do, 3rd Dan Judo). After Sensei Halpin’s untimely passing  in 2007,  Jon guided Seikukan Australasia for 4 years, and is now the Chief Instructor at Kenseikan Karate Do Australasia at Wavell Heights

Early in his karate career, Jon competed successfully in kumite and kata at a State, National and International level for 11 years.

After retiring from competition, Jon decided that he wanted to put something back into the sport. He went through the process of becoming a World Karate Federation official,  and has represented Australia for the last 10 years at both Junior and Senior  World Championships. Currently, he is an Oceania Kata Judge and a World Kumite Referee which is a tremendous advantage for his students who wish to compete. As well as offering technical expertise in coaching kumite and kata, Jon’s students also have a sound understanding of the rules of competition.

Jon’s involvement at this level of the sport allows Jon to keep up to date with the latest kata and kumite coaching methods used by the elite, successful competitors in the sport.

As well as being highly qualified to coach sport karate, Jon understands that there is more to Karate-do.  He has a deep respect and understanding of  the traditions of the art.

Over the years Jon has travelled many times to  Japan and Europe, and trained with many senior Martial Arts Instructors including the late Sensei Kiyohara, Sensei Sakia, Sensei Kazutoshi and Sensei Shinyu from Japan and Sensei’s Antonio Oliver, Luca Valdesi, Tommy Morris, Ticky Donovan and Francis Didier from Europe.

Jon’s teaching philosophy is one than was engrained in him by Sensei John Halpin

“Traditional basics and formal kata are the most important aspects of training but one needs to blend the old with the new and evolve with the times without discarding the true lineage of the art.