Nine Kenseikan Brisbane members attended the Kristina Mah Kumite Seminar. Kristina is the Female U61 Kg World Kumite Champion and she was assisted by her coach, Shihan George Barounis. The members gained an insight into elite kumite strategies and the training and dedication to be a world champion. The training was intense but all enjoyed […]
Gradings Term 1 2011
Gradings Term 1 Gradings will be held on Wednesday 13th April from 5-6pm. All students who are grading will be advised personally by JR. All Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors are to be present for gradings. Intermediates and Seniors will train on grading night from 6.00-7.00 pm Grading Fees All Grading Fees to be paid […]
Kenseikan at Sydney International 2011
Riley Robinson, Lily Neal and Michael Pilgujski, Kenseikan Karate Dojo members attended the inaugural Sydney International Open Championships on the 5th to 6th February 2011. Cameron Marshall trained for the event but due to an inner ear infection, could not attend. The International attracted competitors from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Caledonia France and […]